Thursday 31 December 2009

We thought it was about time for an update.
It's been a busy few weeks behind the scenes. We have completed all the dull paperwork; medical and insurance forms, and done a lot of writing; profiles and wish lists.
We have all been to Slaters to be measured and to select out outfits. Modesty prevents me from publishing the photos taken there, but they may offer some blackmail potential in the future.
The photo above was published in the December issue of the Glasgow City Council magazine "Insider" and shows the girls with the Chief Executive, George Black. The accompanying article was great PR for Rotary, explaining GSE and detailing the forthcoming visit to New Zealand.

Wishing everyone a "Happy New Year" and "All the Best for 2010".
We are really looking forward to it!

Saturday 28 November 2009

Marie and Alex visited the Rotary Club of Kelvin, Marie's sponsor Club, on Thursday 26th Nov.
The members were delighted to see their "Successful Candidate" and enjoyed Marie's account of the selection process and an update of what she and the rest of the team have been doing since then.
Alex gave an account of his role and outlined the plans for the GSE to New Zealand.
The Club members wished them well and asked for a return visit after the adventure.

Wednesday 25 November 2009

Baxterbear's first official engagement.
On Tuesday 24th November he accompanied Lindsay and Alex on a visit to the Rotary Club of Troon.
Baxterbear remained his usual charming self while Lindsay and Alex made a presentation about GSE in general and their own involvement with the 2010 GSE team.
Judging by the number of questions asked, the presentation seemed to be a success.
Pictured with "the Star" are; Troon's President Elect, Douglas Fraser, Lindsay and Alex.

Monday 16 November 2009

New team member - "Baxterbear".
Baxterbear's role is to look after the team. Keep them in a positive frame of mind and, have his picture taken with as many new friends as possible.
District 1230 GSE Team for 2010.
Scotland to New Zealand
The team's first meeting.
Left to Right:- Alex Blair, Team Leader, Marie Gannon, Neil MacDougall, Lesley McLellan and Lindsay Eddleston.