Monday 16 November 2009

District 1230 GSE Team for 2010.
Scotland to New Zealand
The team's first meeting.
Left to Right:- Alex Blair, Team Leader, Marie Gannon, Neil MacDougall, Lesley McLellan and Lindsay Eddleston.


  1. Well done team

    you look great and I look forward to following your exploits

    if there is anything I can do to help - let's negotiate, hahaha

    Alex, well done on your 'blagging' skills - I thought I was good, but now I shall have to learn from the master

    Have a great time, be like a sponge and soak up every moment the memories and friendships will last forever


  2. Alex and Lindsay,

    Thank you for taking the time to come along to the Troon Rotary Club meeting tonight to tell us about your GSE visit to New Zealand.

    We wish you all a very safe journey and look forward to hearing about your adventures on your return.
